Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (2024)

The High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) for Fallout 4 is a higher resolution upscaled set of texture packs, designed to completely
replace and overhaul ALL of the original/vanilla textures. HDTP is built using a combination of AI models, including
models built specifically from other Bethesda Games, AI models trained on hundreds of professional game textures created by the author, compositing of multiple cherry picked variations, then carefully touched up by hand. HDTP combines AI technology,
human creativity, and space photography using a one of a kind highly advanced processing system to create the best quality texture packs
possible from dozens of possibilities. All textures are currently being upscaled to 2X the original size. In most cases this upscales the
standard textures into 8K or higher versions of them.

New packs will be uploaded as they are complete

Please make sure to read the FAQ! No, really!
More download options, early access, and other patron benefits are available on Patreon, Ko-fi, and Discord!

With ♥️ from Epiphany and the HDTP team!
Please remember to 👍 endorse and ⭐ vote for HDTP!

Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (1)

Assets Currently Handled
✔️ Armor - Public Release 2.0.0
✔️ Clothes - General - Public Release 2.1.0
✔️ Clothes - Named and Factions - Public Release 1.1.2
✔️ Interiors - General - Public Release 1.1.0
✔️ Interiors - Institute - Public Release 1.1.0
✔️ Interiors - Prydwen - Public Release 1.1.0

✔️ Interiors - Vault - Public Release 1.1.1
✔️ Landscape - Public Release 1.1.0

Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (2)

These instructions assume your mod manager of choice, if you use one, is configured correctly and working properly. We cannot support mod
managers, and these instructions are provided as a courtesy. For full instructions and support installing mods, please refer to the mod managers documentation/support channels.

ModOrganizer 2
1. Download Packs
Download the packs you want to use: Click the “Manual Download” button. If ModOrganizer 2 is configured to handle Nexus links, you can download it directly through ModOrganizer 2 by selecting “Mod Manager Download”.

2. Install the Packs Using ModOrganizer 2
After downloading the mod, return to ModOrganizer 2. Click on the ‘Downloads’ tab in ModOrganizer 2. You should see your downloaded pack listed here.
If you manually downloaded the packs, you will need to either drag and drop the file(s) into the Downloads tab or click the “Install Mod” File menu item to add the
packs. Once the pack appears in the Downloads section, right-click on it and select “Install.”

The installer will guide you through any optional files or choices related to the mod. Follow the prompts, ensuring to select the desired options.

3. Activate the Packs

After installation, locate the mod in your left pane (under the “Mods” tab). Ensure the checkbox next to the mod is checked to activate it. Your packs will be enabled for the game once they are checked.

5. Launch the game
Click the “Run” button in ModOrganizer 2 to launch Fallout 4.

: If you added F4SE or other executables, make sure to select them from the drop-down in the top left corner before clicking “Run.”

1. Download Packs
Download the packs you want to use: Click the “Download” button. If Vortex is configured to handle Nexus links, you can download it directly through Vortex by selecting “Mod Manager Download”.

2. Install the Packs
After downloading the mod, return to Vortex. Click on the ‘Mods’ tab in Vortex. You should see your downloaded pack listed here.
Click on the “Install” button next to each packs name. Vortex will process and install the pack.

If you manually downloaded the mod, you will need to either drag and drop the file into the Mods tab or
click the “Install From File” button to add the pack.

3. Activate the Packs
Once the packs are installed, click the “Enable” button (the toggle switch) next to each pack name in the Mods tab. This activates the pack for use in
Fallout 4.

Depending on your mods, you may want to adjust the load order for compatibility. This can be done in the ‘Plugins’ section within Vortex.

4. Deploy Mods
Once you have determined the mods you want to use and the load order you want, you can deploy the mods. Click the Deploy Mods button at the top of the Mods tab and Vortex will make sure the mods go to the correct location and prepare the game for play.

5. Launch the game
You’re ready to play, just click the Play button on the Vortex header (Game Image) and your game
will start with the selected mods enabled.

Manual Installation
These instructions are provided as mainly a starting point, as we expect users that are manually installing to know their configurations and the proper methods to install a mod/pack manually.

1. Download Packs
Select and download the Packs you want to use.

2. Extract the Files
You will need some type of file archive manager/extractor such as 7-Zip, WinRAR, etc.

Right-click the compressed file and choose to extract it. Extract the packs to a location that you’ll
remember. We recommend using a consistent location like “C:\Users<username>\Documents\Mods

3. Locate Your Fallout 4 Data Folder
Open your Fallout 4 installation folder. Inside, you will find a folder named Data. This is where you will place the mod files.

Typically this is located at: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data

4. Install the Mod
Drag and drop the contents from your extracted folder into the Data folder. This should be a BA2 file,
an ESP file, and other related files.

5. Enable the Mod
These instructions assume you are manually managing the ini and plugins.txt files.

Create or Edit an INI File: Open the Fallout4.ini file located in: “C:\Users<username>\Documents\My Games\Fallout4

Under the [Archive] section, ensure the following line is included:


Another file called Plugins.txt located in “C:\Users<username>\Documents\My Games\Fallout4” allows you to specify the load order of mods. Simply add the mod names
without the file extension (e.g., MyMod.esp becomes MyMod).

6. Launch the game
Launch the game and load an existing save or start a new game.

Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (3)

Q. You say 2X upscale, does that make this a 2k, 4k, 8k... pack?
A. We are selectively upscaling things using a 2x upscale in both dimensions. This means that textures have 4 times the texture space when we process them. The end result is that most textures are 4k to 8k in size.

Q. Will this increase my VRAM usage?
A. Absolutely. Each pack you install will increase the amount of VRAM used as the texture space is four times that of the vanilla textures. HDTP has, however, been designed to be as optimized as possible while providing the highest quality and detail.

Q. What AI model(s) are you using currently?
A. This question has a number of answers. We use a model trained on Skyrim with 40,000 iterations, a custom model trained on 40,000 Fallout
textures with 400,000 iterations, a specialized skin model created by myself, LSDIR, BSRGAN, DEDXT, and a number of other AI models. A variety
of tools are used but the primary upscale functionality was built specifically for HDTP and doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. This
is the process that allows me to iterate and improve so quickly - hours instead of weeks like most AI upscales. Some mods use the base ESRGAN
models which are barely suitable for photo upscales, let alone textures. HDTP uses customized models for all upscales, not general purpose
models. Custom models like those used by HDTP will have better quality than general purpose upscalers 100% of the time. HDTP also uses a
compositing process that has 6 AI models compete for the best quality, which are then composited together to get the best output that simply
isn't possible from a direct AI upscale. ESRGAN is not used for any detailed textures as it is extremely low quality and outdated compared
to all of the models I use, and simply does not provide even a fraction of the detail the bespoke models I've trained can do.

Q. Are all of the textures upscaled by AI or do you adjust them?
A. The textures are created by having 6-8 (previously 3-5) AI models "compete" for the best visual quality. In some cases multiple upscaled images will be composited (combined) to provide an even better appearance, taking only the best from each one. This let's me create packs with increasing quality every release. When a texture needs manual modification I will use industry standard tools (ZBrush, Photoshop, etc) to improve the textures while staying true to the original design and vision. In some cases NASA originals are used to replace the compressed BGS versions rather than upscale as the original data exists.

Q. How do I uninstall the mod?
A. Uninstall using your mod manager. If installed manually, remove the files and any ini or plugins.txt modifications you made.

Q. Who are you?? I feel like I know your name...
A. You might! I've been making mods for Skyrim, Fallout, and other games as part of other teams for over a decade. I decided it was time to lead
my own team/projects, and started with the Starfield HDTP as my first big release as the team lead.

Want to discuss the mod? Questions about future plans? Want the answer to all things, life, and the galaxy? Okay
maybe not that last one.
Join the Discord and chat with the team!

Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (4)

Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (5)

Epiphany Absolute - Author/AI Dev and Training/Asset Generation/Packaging/Graphic Design

Special thanks to:
The Community Helpers on the Epiphany Absolute Creations Discord - for helping every day!

... and you, just for being you! ♥️

My other mods:
Starfield High Definition Texture Pack
Kawaii Face Visor for Ground Crew Helmet
Weyland-Yutani Ground Crew Helmet
Ground Crew Spacesuit Helmet Skull Visor

Fallout 4 High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP) (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5805

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.